“Excellence is doing a common thing in an uncommon way.” Einstein

We apply our capabilities to deliver solutions, unlock value, propel income and capital growth for our partners. Our hands-on approach is thoughtful, flexible and creative — Projects we engage are designed to create economic value and long-term growth for our sponsor group, the companies we partner with and the communities in which we work.

Housing and healthcare are the fundamental pillars of a healthy society, community and/or nation. Though our platform we target socially purposed capital and match it with projects in the affordable, workforce and supportive housing sector. We are also involved in supporting the community through volunteering, mentoring youth and fostering entrepreneurship.
As a real estate company and a sponsor group relationships, understanding of market gaps and cycles as well as appreciation value of an asset is critical to our platform.
Our team brings forth a collective working approach and feedback driven decision making.
We value and create opportunities that are not available to open eye. The secret is harnessing the knowledge gained through expertise and then comprehensibly communicating it.
We Acquire and Invest in:
Multifamily (Affordable & Workforce)
Senior Housing &
Alternative Construction Solutions

Services offered to our partners and sister firms
a) Design, Programming, Entitlements and Development Cycle:
Selecting and evaluating project sites
Best and highest use assessment
Carrying out site acquisition
Assembling development teams
Overseeing master planning and facility programming
Providing architectural review
Overseeing contractor selection and construction
Negotiating contracts
b) Financing:
Preparing development pro forma - financial projections
Structuring and assembling financing
Investors relationships and partnership management
Financial closings
Partnerships we create are designed to build value through​
a) Acquiring assets which are:
High quality at discounts to replacement costs
Stressed assets in upwards trending neighborhoods
Stabilized assets with unlocked value add
b) Cashflow and appreciation through assets involving:
RAW Land
Independent & Aging In Place Living Facilities